Our community-based tourism plans seek to assist local communities in earning a living by using their natural resources and culture in a sustainable manner to create authentic and memorable travel experiences.
Because of their special cultural and natural activities, the community-based tours in our destinations are one-of-a-kind experiences for visitors. We offer a wide range of community-based tourism items, including cultural events, lodging, crafts, cultural villages, forest tours, rock art sites, cultural centers, and museums, to name a few.
Practicing responsible tourism, we design tours which connect both the communities and travellers together for conserving the environment. Our company has also denoted improved stoves to the local (women) community who live in one of our birding areas. During the regional call, we have also financed the St. Lalibela planetary forest project. In the capital city, our company is supporting a single women’s poetry association for having a sustainable income generation. Annually, we provide school supplies to a primary school found in one of our community tour destinations in Ethiopia.
In Ethiopia, most of our community-based tours reach the locals in Lalibela and its surrounding, Simien Mountains, Bale Mountains, and Tigray region. In the following few years, we are planning to expand similar tours to the Omo Valley and Borena Saynt National Park.
This is a distinct form of tourism that is powered by local communities and occurs primarily in rural areas where much of nature remains unspoiled and tradition is well preserved.
In Sudan, there are a variety of community programs in which visitors can participate. You could work with local workers to teach children sports and fun activities like music, or you could help join our ‘building-shelters’ for the homeless programs.